Work as a Remote Associate Get Paid by the Hour

With Hourly Remote Associate, you can work remotely on your own schedule and get paid by the hour. Earn more by working on your own terms. Get started today and be a part of the future of remote legal work.
Remote associate working on freelance hourly project


Hourly Solutions

Hourly Product screenshot for freelance attorneys
Hourly Associate Icon black

Hiring attorneys looking for your talents

Hourly Remote Associate is the perfect solution if you are looking for flexibility. The platform enables you to increase your income with our competitive hourly rates. You can leverage your legal skills, have a consistent revenue stream, and an enjoyable work experience. Join us today!

The LAWCLERK Solution


Project-Based Work

Work on fixed scope initiatives lasting between 1 week to 1 month.

– Supplement Your Solo Practice.

– Choose work you have passion for.

Hourly Associate Icon black

Hourly Associate

Work as a freelance lawyer on your terms and get paid by the hour.

– Enjoy the flexibility it provides.

– Work consistently with attorneys you enjoy working with


Remote Associate Subscription

Work on longer term initiatives as a part time or full time remote associate.

– You control your schedule.

– Chart your career path.

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Hourly Associate

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Get Hired & Make Money
Unlock the freedom to practice law your way. Get access to a wide range of legal work from top firms and solo practitioners. With our easy-to-use platform, you can find the perfect opportunity for your practice area and work from anywhere at anytime. Join thousands of LAWCLERKS who are already taking advantage of our flexible hours and competitive pay rates. Register today and start making money!


Features and Pricing

Select Level Of Work

Junior Level Work

$90 – $120

Per Hour 

Mid Level Work

$120 – $160

Per Hour 

Senior Level Work


Per Hour 

Get Paid by the Hour

  • Get paid for your hourly work on a weekly basis*.


  • Help firms & attorneys provide better legal services.


  • Top-notch technology to provide you with a great working experience.

Billing & Time Keeping

  • Log and track your hours on our platform.


  • Get paid electronically.


  • We’ll handle tax documentation.


Featured Video

LAWCLERK Hourly Opportunities Can Help You Grow Your Expertise & Earn More Money

“Our Hourly Associate Solution fills the gap between Projects and Subscription Associates. It allows you to get more work done and bill more hours when it’s difficult or impossible to know the scope of help you need on a monthly basis.”

Greg Garman,


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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Hourly Associate program?

LAWCLERK designed the Hourly Associate program to give freelance lawyers aka “Remote Associates” another option to find work and build their freelance legal career. If you are selected as a so-called Remote Associate, you will be matched with the Hiring Attorney to provide them assistance on an as-needed hourly basis. You will be paid an hourly rate as work is completed. Some weeks there may be lots of work and other weeks there may be little or no work assigned.

How long of a time commitment do I have to make?

There is no minimum for the Hourly Associate program. Each Hourly Associate opportunity will include an estimate of the anticipated length of the engagement, as well as the estimated number of hours of work they expect to assign each week. Once you are selected as a Remote Associate, the Hiring Attorney will send you varying amounts of work as they need help. If your situation changes and you are no longer able to provide services as a Remote Associate, just notify the Hiring Attorney and your LAWCLERK advisor. You can opt out of the Hourly Associate program at any time. However, when you apply for an Hourly Associate opportunity, you must have capacity and intend to work for the full estimated duration and the number of hours per week. Please do not apply if you are not able to fulfill the parameters of the posted Hourly Associate opportunity.

How will I know how many hours I have worked?

Your LAWCLERK dashboard will keep you updated on the status of how many you have logged. The dashboard will show you the set maximum weekly hours, the hours logged this week, the hours logged this month and also the hours logged in the previous month.
You are required to log the hours you work as a Remote Associate in the LAWCLERK dashboard every week. Your hours are due on Sunday. A timecard will be sent to you and the Hiring Attorney every Monday for review. The Hiring Attorney has until Friday of that week to address any concerns with the prior week’s logged time.

How does insurance work with Hourly Associate?

The Remote Associate is not required to carry professional liability insurance because the work you will be doing will not cause you to engage in the practice of law. The professional liability insurance and ultimate responsibility for the work product will be that of the Hiring Attorney.

What kind of work can I do as a Remote Associate?

Remote Associates can help with any type of written work. You can assist with research, discovery and drafting any sort of document.

How often will I be paid for work I do via the Hourly Associate program?
Payments to Remote Associates will be made by direct deposit. LAWCLERK will initiate payments on Mondays, which, depending on your financial institution’s regulations, may take several days to be available in your account.

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