Work as a Remote Associate wherever, whenever

Get clients & start building a steady income stream today. Fast access to new projects in every field, plus our new team features. Get all the benefits of solo law practices with none of the headaches.

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Remote Legal Jobs

remote associate looking for remote law jobs

Get Hired for
A Specific Project

Work on specific projects that bring in new clients and earn money at the same time. Take advantage of our flat fee structure, which allows you to earn more while working with LAWCLERK. Learn more about what we offer here or contact one of our consultants directly for more details.

Accept Subscriptions for a set Duration

Whether you want to develop your own freelance practice, or build a new business, our Associate subscription service is for you. It includes a set tariff that you can use as much or as little of as you want, so you can create the schedule and client base of your dreams.
freelance lawyer looking for remote legal jobs


Simple Pricing Breakdown


Remote Associate Subscription



Per Month


Part time or full time remote law jobs

  • You control your schedule.
  • Chart your career path.

Project-Based Work

Set priced work

*Earn an average of $400

Flat Fee

Projects lasting 1 week to 1 month

  • Supplement Your Solo Practice.
  • Choose work you have passion for.


Our Users Love LAWCLERK

Jessica Birken Headshot

I wasn’t sure about whether to use LAWCLERK, so I put it off for a while. I totally regret it. I should’ve done this months ago!

Jessica Birken


Brandi Cassady Headshot

Our firm has a bustling estate planning and probate practice. I have used LAWCLERK to hire freelancers to assist with research and drating. LAWCLERK saved me so much time to focus on other tasks and the work product far exceeded my expectations. Our firm plans to continue to use LAWCLERK - It's the perfect remedy for busy attorneys!

Brandi Cassady


Kimberly Edwards headshot

I started freelancing on LAWCLERK with the aim of gaining valuable experience and supplemental income while I started a solo practice. However, after a few months on LAWCLERK, I was inspired to begin a full-time freelance career. LAWCLERK has connected me with attorneys from all over the country and has provided me with exciting opportunities I otherwise would have missed out on. LAWCLERK allows me to focus on what I love about the practice of law while providing me with the necessary tools to be successful for my client: the hiring attorney. LAWCLERK’s platform and support is unparalleled to anything I could have imagined, and I am extremely grateful to be a part of their community!

Kimberly Edwards


Adam Stranchn Headshot

LAWCLERK makes up over 99% of my firm’s revenue and between projects and Virtual Associate assignments I have been able to build my law office from scratch debt-free. The sheer number of new projects and Virtual Associate opportunities that are posted daily never ceases to amaze me. This amount of work and the flexibility of being a freelancer has allowed me to watch my kids during the day while working during nap time and late into the night so I don’t miss out on quality time with the family. I highly, highly recommend LAWCLERK.

Adam Stranchn


Adrianne Graves Headshot

LAWCLERK has been a game changer for my solo practice. Posting a job takes only a few minutes. I have created a team of qualified attorneys through LAWCLERK, which increases my productivity without the stress of additional overhead to my practice.

Adrianne Graves



I recently had an extremely complicated case which required extensive analysis, research and brief preparation to support a nonimmigrant visa waiver application. The Lawclerk who assisted me was a former U.S. consular officer who did a brilliant job and provided me with insights that only someone with consular experience could provide.



Kate Mesic Headshot

As a solo, I struggled not having an associate. LAWCLERK has allowed me to have great quality research and drafting done on short notice with no need to hire an associate! The work product has been phenomenal, and now that I have a team for the different areas of the law that I practice, the process is even smoother.

Kate Mesic


Jessica Birken Headshot

Jessica Birken


I wasn’t sure about whether to use LAWCLERK, so I put it off for a while. I totally regret it. I should’ve done this months ago!

Brandi Cassady Headshot

Brandi Cassady


Our firm has a bustling estate planning and probate practice. I have used LAWCLERK to hire freelancers to assist with research and drating. LAWCLERK saved me so much time to focus on other tasks and the work product far exceeded my expectations. Our firm plans to continue to use LAWCLERK - It's the perfect remedy for busy attorneys!

Kimberly Edwards headshot

Kimberly Edwards


I started freelancing on LAWCLERK with the aim of gaining valuable experience and supplemental income while I started a solo practice. However, after a few months on LAWCLERK, I was inspired to begin a full-time freelance career. LAWCLERK has connected me with attorneys from all over the country and has provided me with exciting opportunities I otherwise would have missed out on. LAWCLERK allows me to focus on what I love about the practice of law while providing me with the necessary tools to be successful for my client: the hiring attorney. LAWCLERK’s platform and support is unparalleled to anything I could have imagined, and I am extremely grateful to be a part of their community!

Adam Stranchn Headshot

Adam Stranchn


LAWCLERK makes up over 99% of my firm’s revenue and between projects and Virtual Associate assignments I have been able to build my law office from scratch debt-free. The sheer number of new projects and Virtual Associate opportunities that are posted daily never ceases to amaze me. This amount of work and the flexibility of being a freelancer has allowed me to watch my kids during the day while working during nap time and late into the night so I don’t miss out on quality time with the family. I highly, highly recommend LAWCLERK.

Adrianne Graves Headshot

Adrianne Graves


LAWCLERK has been a game changer for my solo practice. Posting a job takes only a few minutes. I have created a team of qualified attorneys through LAWCLERK, which increases my productivity without the stress of additional overhead to my practice.




I recently had an extremely complicated case which required extensive analysis, research and brief preparation to support a nonimmigrant visa waiver application. The Lawclerk who assisted me was a former U.S. consular officer who did a brilliant job and provided me with insights that only someone with consular experience could provide.

Kate Mesic Headshot

Kate Mesic


As a solo, I struggled not having an associate. LAWCLERK has allowed me to have great quality research and drafting done on short notice with no need to hire an associate! The work product has been phenomenal, and now that I have a team for the different areas of the law that I practice, the process is even smoother.







Expertise in all Practice Areas

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Other People Also Ask

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Register as a Freelance Lawyer
Why are the freelance lawyers called "Lawclerks"?

Only attorneys may use LAWCLERK. We use the term “Hiring Attorney” to refer to the attorney that is posting the work and we use the term “Lawclerk” to refer to the attorney that is completing the work. The reason we use the term “Lawclerk” is because the freelance attorneys are providing their services in a paraprofessional capacity, subject to the following rules, which allows them to provide services to attorneys outside of their state without violating the prohibition on the unauthorized practice of law.

These rules are the secret sauce that allows LAWCLERK to be 50-state ethically compliant:

  1. The Hiring Attorney shall have sole professional responsibility for the work product of the Lawclerk.
  2. The Hiring Attorney will supervise the Lawclerk’s performance of services on the assigned project to ensure compliance with the applicable Rules of Professional Conduct.
  3. The Hiring Attorney will establish and maintain the relationship with his or her client.
  4. The Lawclerk shall have no contact with the Hiring Attorney’s client, including without limitation no email, telephone, skype, web, social media, or in-person contact.5. The Lawclerk shall not appear in court or any other judicial or administrative body on behalf of the Hiring Attorney’s client.
  5. The Lawclerk shall not appear in court or any other judicial or administrative body on behalf of the Hiring Attorney’s client.
  6. The Lawclerk shall not serve or otherwise disseminate the their work product or any other documents to anyone other than the Hiring Attorney that posted the Project.
  7. The Lawclerk shall not sign or file any documents with any court or administrative body in connection with a project.
  8. The Lawclerk shall have no contact with opposing counsel, witnesses, or other persons potentially involved in the project for which the Lawclerk has been engaged, including without limitation no email, telephone, skype, web, social media, or in-person contact.
  9. The Hiring Attorney shall have sole responsibility for determining the fee charged to his or her client for legal services. The Lawclerk shall not have any involvement in determining the fee charged to the Attorney’s client for the Lawclerk’s services.
How can LAWCLERK benefit me?

The traditional legal career is leaving many dissatisfied with its long hours and limited opportunities. LAWCLERK provides you the personal freedom to work when and where you want, on the projects you chose. Whether you are trying to earn more, spend more time with your family, or chart your own freelance career, LAWCLERK will get you there.

With LAWCLERK, you can:

  • Put your valuable training and education to work
  • Gain practical experience
  • Work on your own schedule – as much or as little as you choose
  • Work from anywhere
  • Only work with your selected attorneys
  • Meet and work with attorneys throughout the U.S.
  • Develop and leverage specialized practice areas
  • Expand your career options
  • Build professional relationships
I completed my first project. How do I get paid?
Once you’ve completed your first project, the next question we usually get is: “How do I get paid?” Before you trigger payment, please make sure revisions are not needed and the posting attorney has given you a thumbs up on the work. In order to trigger the payment process, you will need to do the following:
  1. Go into the project you’ve completed and go to upload your document. You can find the upload option by clicking on the “Documents” tab located to the left of the chat-box, next to “Latest Activity.”
  2. From there, you will get the upload a document pop-up window and you will select “Final Submission of Project” from the dropdown box and fill out the description of what you’re uploading. You will then upload your final document on the next screen.
  3. If you have not already done so, you will then be prompted to fill out your time card. Once you do, please click “Upload.”
Once you upload your final submission and time card, the posting attorney will have an initial period of 96 hours to review the submission and either request changes or approve it. Note that this 96-hour period can be extended one time for an additional 96 hours. As it takes our payment processor 1-2 days to complete the payment process, you can expect to receive payment in your account within 8 days of when you submit your final project.
Can I register as both a Lawclerk and a hiring attorney?

Of course! You’re more than welcome to sign-up as both a hiring attorney and a Lawclerk.

LAWCLERK was designed by attorneys who understand the ebbs and flows of private practice. Sign-up as a posting attorney when you need an extra set of hands and as a Lawclerk when you need a little extra income.

How does LAWCLERK maintain its security?

Our proprietary technology was developed to protect client confidentiality, comply with all 50 state’s ethical rules, and protect your privacy.


LAWCLERK uses Amazon Web Services Server Side Encryption for the encryption of files and communications transmitted over our platform. We use Amazon web service because of their unparalleled cutting edge technology, which is the home of the data of international banks, stock markets, hospitals, and universities. The encryption protocol uses AES-256 encryption, which is categorized by the National Security Agency as Suite B Cryptography, which is more fully described at All communications within each project’s communication hub are encrypted when the data is at rest (database encryption).

Our marketplace is so secure that the site administrators and developers can’t even see the confidential information shared between posting attorneys and Lawclerks.

For more information on LAWCLERK’S security, review LAWCLERK’S Terms of Use.

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