Hire an Associate
By The Hour

Grow your firm’s profits through legal outsourcing. This solution connects you with our remote associates to hire on an hourly basis, as you need them. We’ll take care of the back-end so you can focus on what really matters: your practice and your profits.

Hourly Associate Hero shot


Hourly Solution

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Hire a Freelance Lawyer For Ongoing Work and Pay Them by the Hour

Our hourly associate solution gives you flexibility for your law firm hiring needs. Hire an experienced attorney to do your research, discovery, and drafting. You can also hire associates to handle depositions, meet with clients, engage with opposing counsel, and assist with court proceedings.

Talk to our Advisors Today!


Features and Pricing

Select Level Of Work

Junior Level Work

$90 – $120

Per Hour 

Mid Level Work

$120 – $160

Per Hour 

Senior Level Work


Per Hour 

Pay As You Go


  • Each week we pay your freelance lawyer and replenish your account.


  • Experienced attorneys work with you to get your legal needs done for a fraction of the cost.


  • Top-notch technology to provide legal solutions & cost effectiveness for firms of all sizes.

Billing & Time Keeping

  • Remote Associates will be paid on the hours they log each week, we replenish your account.


  • Access to your remote associates billing records for easy billing to your clients.


  • We email you your remote associate’s billing records weekly.


  • Permissible to profit on your remote associate just as you would any other associate.
Featured Video

LAWCLERK Hourly Associates Can Help Your Practice & Grow Your Profits

“Our Hourly Associate Solution fills the gap between Projects and Subscription Associates. It allows you to get more work done and bill more hours when it’s difficult or impossible to know the scope of help you need on a monthly basis.”

Greg Garman,


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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hourly Associate?
Hourly Associate gives busy attorneys another option to hire the exact amount of help they need to power their firm, when they need it. With the Hourly Associate program, you will select a talented freelance lawyer to work with on an on-going basis, payable by the hour. You will set up an account and pay an evergreen retainer to LAWCLERK based on the anticipated level of help you may need. Once your account is set up and you have selected a Remote Associate, you will pay as you go based on the hours worked with no obligation if some weeks you don’t have work to delegate.
How is Hourly Associate different than LAWCLERK’s Subscription Program?
With Subscription, Hiring Attorneys and Remote Associates establish a longer-term relationship, committing to working together for between 30 and 160 hours per four weeks, thereby allowing a deeper integration into the Hiring Attorneys firm and caseload. Think of subscriptions as hiring a quarter of an associate (40 hrs/mo), half an associate (80 hrs/mo), or three quarters of an associate (120 hrs/mo). Subscription also offers the ability for Remote Associates to function as full attorneys, meaning that they can interact with the Hiring Attorney’s clients, handle depositions, and go to court. With Hourly Associate, you select a Remote Associate to work with for a more limited period of time without a commitment to a set number of hours and you pay as you go for the hours logged by your Remote Associate.
What is a Remote Associate?
A Remote Associate is a freelance lawyer aka contract lawyer aka virtual associate who works for a hiring attorney on an independent contractor basis.
How does Hourly Associate work?

You begin by posting an hourly associate opportunity on the Site. The post will include, among other information, a detailed description of the work needed, the length of engagement (in months), the monthly expectation of hours (ex. 20-40 hours/month), the anticipated maximum hours needed per week, and the hourly rate. Remote Associates will apply to the opportunity and when they apply, their profile will be presented to you to review. You can then select your preferred applicant. Once selected, the Remote Associate will review any conflicts you have provided in the post. If there are no conflicts, the Hourly Associate opportunity will move into “in process” at which point you and the Remote Associate will be provided a dashboard in which matters can be created, documents exchanged, you can chat and video conference with the Remote Associate. The Remote Associate will also log their time in the dashboard so you can bill it to your clients.

How much do I pay as a retainer to get started with Hourly Associate?
The retainer will be the greater of: (i) $2,000, or (ii) the maximum weekly hours multiplied by the hourly rate you set. The retainer will be evergreen which means it will be reloaded as you pay the Remote Associate for work.
How much will I pay the Hourly Associate per hour of work?
You set the hourly rate you want to pay when you post the Hourly Associate Opportunity to the marketplace. By applying, the Remote Associate has agreed to accept the hourly rate you set.

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