What is LAWCLERK and how does it work?
How do I register as a Lawclerk?
How can LAWCLERK benefit me?
What are the limitations on the use of Lawclerks?
What documents may I provide for verification?
How do I submit or change my bio, resume, or writing sample?
How do I reset my password?
When is payment received for a completed project?
How do I change my payment information?
How is tax reporting handled?
How do I search for projects?
Why am I receiving an error message when I apply for a project?
Can the scope of a project be changed?
What is the dispute center?
How do I submit a dispute to the dispute center?
How do I handle a change in the scope of a project?
Submit a Dispute to the Dispute Center
What browser should I use for LAWCLERK?
I added my bank information for the first time and now I can't log back in