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Solo & Small Law Firms

(1-5 Attorneys)

Unlock the power and profitability of your solo or small law firm with LAWCLERK! Our platform makes it easy to get more work done, faster, with access to a deep pool of talented remote associates & multiple hiring solutions.







Solo & Small Firms

Our freelance attorneys can help with a wide range of legal work across every practice area in all U.S. jurisdictions. With us, there is less friction than using the traditional legal hiring approach.

Whether you need help on a fixed scope short-term project, need a per diem attorney, or a more dedicated longer term engagement, LAWCLERK has the flexibility you need.

  • Deep Talent Pool

  • Build a Roster of Talented Associates

  • Competitive Rates

  • Easy To Use

Need to talk to someone right away? Call us now!

(725) 272-2999

Small Law Firm

LAWCLERK Solutions To Get Work Done

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Hourly Associates

Project-Based Work

Project-Based Work

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Hourly Associates

Thousands of successful engagements with lawyers like you to power your busy practice. Read some testimonials from our satisfied clients.

Adrianne Graves Headshot

LAWCLERK has been a game changer for my solo practice. Posting a job takes only a few minutes. I have created a team of qualified attorneys through LAWCLERK, which increases my productivity without the stress of additional overhead to my practice.

Adrianne Graves


Kate Mesic Headshot

As a solo, I struggled not having an associate. LAWCLERK has allowed me to have great quality research and drafting done on short notice with no need to hire an associate! The work product has been phenomenal, and now that I have a team for the different areas of the law that I practice, the process is even smoother.

Kate Mesic


george tenreio

LAWCLERK is a wonderful service for solo practitioners who need quick, flexible access to legal talent. I have now worked with numerous attorneys through LAWCLERK, all of whom provided quality work on short notice. The fact that you can interview and choose amongst a sizable selection of attorneys by practice area, experience, and credentials is a big plus. LAWCLERK's platform also is very user friendly and intuitive, allowing for a reliable, efficient, and secure way to communicate about assignments. I trust most attorneys needing additional support will find LAWCLERK's services helpful and impressive. I highly recommend LAWCLERK.

George Tenreiro

immigration attorney from New Jersey


Blogs / Case Studies


April 18, 2022

7 Secrets to Hiring Associates

Here are 7 secrets from Greg Garman about hiring associates. Subscribe to learn more about the successful business & practice of law

July 27, 2021

How My Firm Uses LAWCLERK to Grow Our Profits

Attorney Deadra Stokes uses LAWCLERK and our freelance lawyers to grow her profits and get more done.

Oct 29, 2020

Leveraging Outsourcing to Scale a High Growth Firm

In this webinar, Corey joins Co-Founder Kristin Tyler for an insightful conversation on the top ways he has worked with LAWCLERK to staff his firm

Talk To One Of Our Experts

Need to talk to someone right away? Call us now!

(725) 272-2999

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Having trouble finding your next associate? We can help. Reserve your demo today!