definitive Guide Associates

The World Changed - So Did Law Firms!

The definitive guide to succeeding with remote associates has already helped HUNDREDS of lawyers make more money without adding overhead. Don’t get left behind, you must pivot! This is a thirty-page guide detailing:

  • The Business Model of Working with Remote Associates
  • How Future Of Law Firms Will Be Staffed
  • A Faster and Better Way to Hire
  • How To Manage Your Remote Associates
  • Why Skilled Associates Are Leaving
  • How Cost Of Full Time In-House Associates is Unsustainable for Many Firms

          and much much more. 

Future Firms will be staffed differently

Did you know?

At the height of the pandemic, 87% of law firms were working remotely. Many have instituted “Work From Anywhere” policies with the intent of remaining permanently remote. Clear signs of change.

Did you know
one in four

One in FOUR

Yes, 1 in 4 associates quit their job in 2021, 60% of associates have considered quitting for a better work/life balance. For lawyers under 40, 83% said it was very important for their firm to have remote flexibility.

Talent In the Legal Industry

Associates join big law firms out of law school, chasing the dream of one day making partner but what they may not realize, is that at the 250 biggest law firms in the United States there is an 80% chance of being forced out in the “up or out” system. These highly skilled lawyers without the necessary million-dollar book of business to become partner are leaving en masse.
talent in the legal industry
Sarah Jewel

I feel like LAWCLERK is the best kept secret of running a successful solo/small law firm. I do not know how i could pull off the volume of work and turn project arounds as quickly for our clients without LAWCLERK by my side. I have had so much success with using the subscription service that i am thinking about adding another subscription LAWCLERK in a different area of practice. I feel this is a way to expand my practice virtually, without needing to add space to my office and without having to hire traditional associates. I am not sure what else i can say other than this was godsend to my new firm.

Sarah Jewell

RIver Valley Law, PA

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The Definitive Guide to Succeeding with Remote Associates.

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