2018 has been – without a doubt – a whirlwind of a year at LAWCLERK!  On behalf of Team LAWCLERK, we are incredibly thankful for everyone who has joined our marketplace this year and given us a try.   Whether you are a freelance lawyer staying home with young kids or a rainmaker who’s hustling to grow your firm – you are a valued part of LAWCLERK!

Over the course of the year, there have been so many creative projects.  So, without further adieu … here are ten of my favorite LAWCLERK projects of 2018 … in no particular order!

  1.        Phone Consultation.  A very clever attorney in Texas posted a project where she simply asked for a 15-30 minute phone consultation the same day with an employment law freelance lawyer in Kansas to review potential concerns before her client terminated an employee.  The flat fee price for this project was $250, which was well priced in my opinion due to time being of the essence.
  2.        Blog Articles.  We have seen a number of attorneys post projects to have Lawclerks write blog articles for their law firm website.  This is a great way to keep the content on your website fresh and provide value for clients, or more importantly potential clients.  One such recent project asked for two 350-word blog posts and the attorney posted the project for a flat fee of $150.
  3.        Supreme Court Writ. We were contacted by a high profile attorney working on a writ to the US Supreme Court.  He needed to find a freelancer to help research one specific issue and assist with briefing that issue.  We were able to connect him with a freelancer in a totally different geographical area who had written on this particular issue a number of times.  This project was set at a flat fee of $3,000 due to its sophisticated nature and the hiring attorney reported back that he was thrilled with the freelancers work!
  4.        Dynamic Discovery.  Many busy attorneys use LAWCLERK to help with discovery.  One attorney engaged a Lawclerk to form up objections on 150 interrogatory responses where draft responses had been provided by the client – a major time saver!
  5.        Appellate Projects. We are seeing a growing number of projects for appellate work, several in the Ninth Circuit.  Specifically, we have seen appellate briefs for between $1,000 and $2,500 depending on the complexity of the brief, as well as appellate legal research memos for $400 to $999.  Many of our Lawclerks are former judicial clerks themselves and can bring a high level of work product and attention to detail to solo attorneys or small firms taking on appellate cases.
  6.        CLE Materials.  Have you ever volunteered to present at a CLE?  Did you ever wish you had an associate to help research and write the CLE materials?  We had several attorneys use our Lawclerks to handle the time consuming task of researching and preparing written materials.  One of the most recent CLE materials projects was for a ten page document and the attorney paid a flat fee of $500.
  7.        Small Business Best Practices.  A very clever attorney hired a Lawclerk to create a chart listing the risks and rewards of failing to implement or implementing certain legal “best practices” for small business clients.  The flat fee on this project was $400.  This is undoubtedly a chart the attorney can and will use for many years to come to add extra value to his clients!
  8.        Complex Trusts.  My background is as a trusts & estates attorney so when a project came through to have a Lawclerk draft a Nevis asset protection trust it definitely caught my eye. The flat fee was $3,000 due to its level of sophistication.  The attorney was able to connect with a freelance trust lawyer with private practice experience as well as trust company experience.
  9.        Election Law.  This was an election year and an election law related project came up in … you’ll never guess where … Florida!  The attorney needed an opposition to motion to dismiss based on Florida Statutes and the Florida Constitution.  This project had a flat fee price of $300 and the attorney gave the freelancer an excellent rating, noting that the Lawclerk’s “thoroughness and ability to synthesize the facts with the law was impressive.”
  10.         Extra Set of Eyes.  One of our power users recently posted a project to a Lawclerk on her team to simply have him review the pleadings on a case along with her outline for an upcoming hearing to make sure she was fully prepared.  In the project details, she asked him to review the materials and then answer the question: “Did I miss anything?”  This is the perfect way to get an extra set of eyes for a solo practitioner or small firm!

If you’ve been sitting on the sidelines waiting to take the plunge and try LAWCLERK – what are you waiting for?  Start 2019 strong and put our talented team of freelance lawyers to work for you.  Get started today at www.lawclerk.legal!

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk


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