At LAWCLERK, we help connect attorneys with our nationwide network of talented freelance lawyers, we call Lawclerks.  Attorneys can hire our Lawclerks on-demand for project work at the flat fee price they set.

So what are the basic Do’s and Don’ts of Using LAWCLERK?  Here are my Top Five.

#1 – Do Start Delegating!  The only way to grow your firm and hit your revenue goals is to start delegating!  Freelance lawyers can be a huge help. At LAWCLERK, we offer a flexible staffing solution without the overhead and headaches of a full-time hire.  Start out by delegating an easy – but time consuming – task like a research memo or document review.

#2 – Don’t wait.  Go ahead and register for your free account today!  There are no sign up fees and no monthly fees. Register ahead of time so you’ll be all set to go when you’re ready to post your first project.  If you need any help, check out this quick video for all the registration details.

#3 – Do check out the credentials of our awesome Lawclerks!  They include former big law attorneys, law school professors, stay at home parents and even some retired or semi-retired attorneys with decades of experience.  The best way to check out their credentials is to register for your account and then Build a Team to pre-select your top Lawclerks.

#4 – Don’t rush.  Be sure to give yourself AND your freelancer plenty of time to complete work.  Don’t be tempted to try out any rush projects, especially for your first project.  Plan ahead and give your freelancer sufficient time to do their best possible work.

#5 – DO IT!  If you haven’t given LAWCLERK a try yet – now’s the time.  Our pool of incredible freelance lawyers is growing every day.  Our ratings from last quarter found that 98.9% of the hiring attorneys reported that the work product they received met or exceeded their expectations.

We are happy to help answer any questions you may have about how to register or how to post a project.  Visit today and please email with any questions.  Our LAWCLERK Care team is here for you!

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk


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