It’s that time of year again that tech minded lawyers converge on Chicago for the annual ABA TECHSHOW!  LAWCLERK made its national debut at TECHSHOW in 2018.  We are thrilled to be exhibiting for the third time at this year’s event.  If you’ll be at TECHSHOW, please be sure to stop by and meet the team at booth 808 and learn the benefits of outsourcing legal work to freelance lawyers!

Attorneys love LAWCLERK because we help grow firms by allowing them to take on more work by using our nationwide network of freelance lawyers.  There are no sign-up or monthly fees.  With LAWCLERK, you get to name the flat fee price you want to pay and you select who you want to work with by reviewing resumes and writing samples.

We just got another rave review this morning from attorney Adrianne Archer Graves who wrote us to say, “LAWCLERK has been a game changer for my solo practice.  Posting a job takes only a few minutes.  I have created a team of qualified attorneys through LAWCLERK, which increases my productivity without the stress of additional overhead to my practice.”

In addition to all the TECHSHOW fun, we will have a coffee cart in our booth to keep you caffeinated during the show.  Stop by and get a coffee on us – hope to see you there!

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk


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