Shark week is always a lot of fun over here at LAWCLERK HQ. It’s a week where we can go all in on our “Be the Shark” mentality.  Even though the whole team is still working from home, we are finding fun and creative ways to have a fin-tastic shark week.

On Monday we kicked it off with a game of shark themed Jeopardy by Zoom. Did you know that the fastest sharks can swim 20 to 30 mph?  One of our Dedicated LAWCLERK Advisors gave sharks the benefit of the doubt and guessed they could swim 80 mph.  I know a few lawyer sharks out there that definitely seem to swim 80 mph!

We also put together a couple of fun activities to help lawyers and even non-lawyers get in on the fun of shark week. You can download a copy of our shark week crossword puzzle HERE or print off a “Lawyer Shark” themed coloring page HERE.  These are great activities to give yourself a well-deserved break from work or keep your kids busy, even if for just a few minutes.

At LAWCLERK we embrace the mindset of “Be the Shark.”  If you want to learn more about how our jawsome freelance lawyers can help you grow your practice and help more clients, please join our upcoming webinar:

How to Use LAWCLERK to Build a Rockstar Team of Virtual Associates

When: Friday, August 21, 2020 at 9 am Pacific / 12 noon Eastern

Co-Founders Talitha Gray Kozlowski and Kristin Tyler will present a deep dive about one of LAWCLERK’s secret weapons – our Teams feature! We’ll share insight to how successful lawyers all over the country are growing their firms – without adding overhead – thanks to our powerhouse network of freelance lawyers. You don’t want to miss these valuable tips!

Register HERE to reserve your spot!

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk


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