Our good friends at CASEpeer hosted their second annual Legal Tech Cookie Bakeoff at their headquarters in Newport Beach, California on August 1, 2019.  If you aren’t familiar with CASEpeer, they offer comprehensive case management customized for personal injury law firms.  They rock – check ‘em out!

CASEpeer invited us to enter the contest and being competitive by nature of course we were IN.  In true LAWCLERK style, we decided to outsource our entry to follow our business model and core belief in outsourcing.  There were tons of benefits to outsourcing our cookie entry :  1) it freed up our time to do other work; 2) we were able to tap into cookie baking expertise; and 3) it undoubtedly improved our chances of winning as we aren’t known for our cookie baking prowess!

We outsourced the cookie baking to the top cookie talent we could find in Southern California … Co-Founder Kristin Tyler’s best friend and her daughters.  On the day of the cookie competition we were confident in our freelancers and followed the contest closely on Twitter.  If you want to check out all the cookie fun on Twitter, go search for hashtag #legaltechcookiebakeoff and be sure to follow LAWCLERK and CASEpeer on Twitter while you’re at it!

We were ECSTATIC to find out that our entry WON the second annual Legal Tech Cookie Bakeoff!  Our entry was a buttery, caramel cookie.  If you want to check out the winning recipe, HERE YOU GO.

Outsourcing for the win!!

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk


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