Launching your own law firm is a huge undertaking that comes with so many responsibilities. You have to pick your target market, make time for networking and promote your new business on all the right social outlets.  It can be confusing and frustrating to run a business when that is not what you studied to do.

There are so many rules and regulations to adhere to avoid misconduct or a bar complaint that you might find yourself rejecting any new idea that you don’t completely understand or haven’t previously experienced.

You might feel that the best way to keep your practice safe and to be a good lawyer is to do everything yourself.  You aren’t the first or the last lawyer to believe that idea.  But what if things could be different?

What if there was a resource available that allowed you to bring qualified legal professionals into your law practice to help you out?

Ok, right about now, I bet that you’re making the upturned eyebrow and skeptical lawyer face.  Let’s discuss this a bit more and I’ll share a few tips on how to bring on a freelance lawyer without the worry or hassle.  But first, this….

You can’t run your law practice well if you are entirely alone.

That’s not an opinion. It is fact that ongoing stress reduces your ability to process and make good decisions.  The more pressure you have, the less effective you are.  So, if your goal is to serve your clients well then you must consider bringing on help.

How do you find the right freelance lawyer for you? You do what lawyers do best- plan for it.  These are the steps I recommend that you take.

Step 1 Identify your need

Will you need a freelance attorney on a temporary basis because your caseload exploded? Or, do you want to create a longer, ongoing relationship with an attorney to support you as you grow?

The benefits of having a remote person who is familiar with you and your law firm that can easily slide into place when needed can’t be underestimated.  You’ll sleep better knowing you have backup resources.

Take a moment to get quiet and identify what will have the biggest impact for you.

Step 2 Identify the traits the freelance lawyers must have to do a good job for you

When you use a resource like LAWCLERK you can rest assured that the lawyers presented to you are qualified and able to do the legal work.

Your job now is to identify what specific traits will be helpful to you in terms of drafting pleadings, doing legal research or whatever project you have in mind. You want your new teammate to match your strengths and uplift your weak points.

Do you need a lawyer who is super organized? Do you need someone who can kill the citation game because that’s not your thing?

Of course, to properly answer this question, you must know yourself and your work style well.  You can take assessment tests like Strengthfinder or DISC to get a better idea.

Step 3 Trust the process at LAWCLERK

Letting go can be difficult. Please remember that LAWCLERK was created with you in mind to provide a safe and thoughtful way for you to work with a freelance lawyer.

LAWCLERK was created by lawyers who understand your needs and concerns about ethical behavior.

The freelance lawyers on the site called Lawclerks are experienced and well trained, including some who formerly worked at Am Law 100 firms. Imagine being able to tap that kind of knowledge and experience for your firm.

You don’t have to blindly trust, though.  You can review the resume and writing sample of your Lawclerk candidates. You can correspond with Lawclerks to personally determine if the fit is good for you. Your privacy and confidentiality are assured due to the security measures on LAWCLERK.

Step 4 Prepare for Success!

Take the time to properly prepare for working with your freelance lawyer, especially if there is a time crunch.

Prepare a firm overview that acquaints your new teammate with the important details of your firm like:

  • Your practice area
  • The history of the matter (if necessary)
  • Your expectations regarding work product and deadlines
  • The best times to communicate with you

LAWCLERK provides a secure platform for communicating and exchanging documents so it’s best to keep all communications on platform.

Think of the summary as the ‘story of your law firm’ that explains the who, what and why questions your freelance lawyer might ask. This document is a time-saver because you can create a basic template that can be used over again for new projects or as new freelance lawyers join your firm.

The time you invest upfront in selecting the right freelance lawyer for you will yield rewards to you in terms of saving time, earning more and enjoying more peace of mind.

Dina Eisenberg

Dina Eisenberg


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