Last fall we were contacted by the Board for the Florida Bar Solo and Small Firm Section.  After conducting several “virtual” town hall meetings the Board found many of their members were overwhelmed with work while others could benefit from picking up some freelance legal work.  What could be a solution?


LAWCLERK is where busy attorneys go to hire freelance lawyers and virtual associates. We have built a nationwide network of over 3,500 freelance lawyers – called Lawclerks – that can help busy attorneys with research, any sort of written document, discovery, or other project based written work.

LAWCLERK has talented freelance lawyers in all 50 states, including 350+ in Florida, with every level of experience and expertise.  They include former judicial clerks, stay at home parents, military spouses, former big law attorneys, solos, law professors, and even some retired attorneys with decades of experience!

We are thrilled to partner with the Florida Bar Solo and Small Firm Section to offer curated services to Section members in order to help them connect with fellow members when they need extra help or when they have time to take on project based, freelance work.

Specifically, LAWCLERK has built the following custom features into the existing LAWCLERK platform to spotlight members of the Section to make it easier for them to connect and work together:

  1. Section members will now have a custom badge on their LAWCLERK profile showing the Section logo so that members of the Section more easily identify each other when posting and applying for Projects on LAWCLERK.

  1. We have also built enhanced search options so that the Hiring Attorneys on LAWCLERK can specifically sort through Project Applicants to identify those Applicants who are fellow members of the Florida Bar Solo and Small Firm Section.
  2. In addition, members of the Florida Bar Solo and Small Firm Section will receive a custom daily email digest that will only go to members of the Section to help make sure they don’t miss any freelance opportunities posted by fellow Section members during the workday.

In addition, members of the Florida Bar Solo and Small Firm Section are eligible to use a custom rebate code to get a 10% rebate on their first three projects with LAWCLERK.  Members will receive additional information about that code directly from the Section.

If you’d like to learn more about LAWCLERK or this new partnership with the Florida Bar Solo and Small Firm Section we invite you to join us for an upcoming webinar on February 25, 2021 at 3:00 pm EST.  Register HERE!

All of us at LAWCLERK look forward to partnering with the members of the Florida Bar Solo and Small Firm Section to help you get more work done, make more money and hopefully spend more time relaxing out of the office. Schedule a free demo or sign up today at!

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk


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