We love a good success story – especially when LAWLERK is involved.  This case study explores how our subscription based remote associate program was the perfect fit for a business minded attorney looking to bring on additional help without driving up overhead.

 The Challenge

A business litigation attorney in Southern California with over 38 years of experience needed to hire additional associates to help with legal research and writing. Given the high cost of living in So-Cal, California attorneys, including those with little to no experience, require higher salaries than those in other parts of the country. As such, the firm struggled to find experienced associates at rates that would allow the firm to increase revenue while keeping up with their caseload.

The LAWCLERK Solution

LAWCLERK provides access to a pool of thousands of virtual associates with every imaginable skillset and experience level located throughout the United States.  These virtual associates are all licensed attorneys who work remotely and come without the overhead associated with hiring a traditional fulltime in-person associate.

Through LAWCLERK’s subscription program, interested candidates are screened by an attorney who then presents the top applicants who meet the qualifications identified by the hiring attorney. The hiring attorney can then interview the applicants and chose the best fit for his or her practice. Best of all, once the applicant is chosen their work can ethically be billed out to the client at a reasonable market rate above what the virtual associate is actually being paid.

The Result

Through LAWCLERK the hiring attorney was able to look for virtual associates in states outside of California where the cost of living was lower. LAWCLERK provided the hiring attorney with a pool of virtual associates who were highly experienced in business litigation and did not require the high salaries demanded by the Southern California attorneys. This resulted in the attorney hiring multiple virtual associates who produced higher quality work at lower rates than traditional fulltime hires. As there was no overhead when hiring these virtual associates, the hiring attorney avoided the added costs of employee benefits and office space associated with traditional hires.

All of this combined with the hiring attorney’s ability to bill the virtual associates’ work to his clients at a reasonable market rate resulted in cost savings for the hiring attorney and three new experienced virtual associates to help with the attorney’s ever growing caseload.

Want to know more about LAWCLERK’s Virtual Associate Subscription Program?  Learn more here.

Want to schedule a demo with one of our team members to see how LAWCLERK can help generate more profits for your firm?  Book a demo here.

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk


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