You are hereby cordially invited to the following webinars.  Mark your calendar and RSVP (aka register) today!

Everything you Want to Know About LAWCLERK’s Virtual Associate Subscription Program

April 23 at Noon PST / 3 pm EST

Join LAWCLERK Co-Founder Kristin Tyler to learn about the Virtual Associate Subscription Program. If you are looking for a deeper way to integrate talented freelance Lawclerks into your firm to power your firm’s growth – you don’t want to miss this webinar!


From Surviving to Thriving:  Growth Levers for Law Firms

April 27 at 11:00 am PST / 2:00 pm EST

Presented by:, GNGF, Clio, LawPay and LAWCLERK

In this upcoming webinar, 5 experts from leading legal technology, casework, and marketing solution providers will provide a rundown of the highest-impact changes attorneys can make in their firms right now to not just survive, but thrive coming out of the pandemic. After all, resilience may be sufficient to sustain firms in the short run, but in the long run, substantial business growth — best achieved through incremental, intentional changes — is what’s truly desired.

Join us to learn how to identify and implement the most effective growth levers for your firm in 2021 and beyond! Learn more and register here.


Calling All Freelance Lawyers! Stop Daydreaming and Start Freelancing

April 30 at 12 Noon PST / 3:00 pm EST

Know any amazing lawyers who have been thinking of launching a freelance career? If so, please tell them about this webinar because there has never been a better time to chart your own freelance legal career.



How to Use LAWCLERK: Appellate

May 7 at 12 Noon PST / 3:00 pm EST

In this session we’ll share sample projects, insight on our talented freelancers and ways successful trial attorneys and appellate lawyers are achieving major wins for their clients by outsourcing via LAWCLERK.


Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk


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