Earlier this year we launched our Virtual Associate Subscriptions, whereby freelance lawyers looking for a consistent number of hours at a set hourly rate (instead of flat fee) can be paired with hiring attorneys looking to work with the same freelance attorney for an extended period of time.  Our goal is to facilitate a part-time virtual associate working relationship of 30 to 160 hours per month, while maintaining all of the benefits and flexibility of being a freelance attorney.

Freelance lawyers interested in taking on subscription based work will now find it easier to search for and apply for Subscriptions with LAWCLERK thanks to the enhancements we just rolled out.  Most specifically, when you log into your account and click on “Search For Work” you will now have the option to search for Projects, Teams or Subscriptions.

When you search for Subscriptions, we now have enhanced subscription search options.  These include the ability to search by a certain number of hours, state or area of law.  This is great if you only want to find subscription opportunities for say 40 hours a month in a certain area of law.

Keep in mind that LAWCLERK is the only ABA-compliant, nationwide marketplace where attorneys can hire a freelance lawyer to help with any written legal work they would otherwise delegate to an associate or paralegal.  Because your role as a Virtual Associate is limited to working in a paraprofessional capacity, this opens the door so that you can do work for attorneys in other states because you are working under their direct supervision and won’t be engaging in any activities that would cause you to engage in the practice of law.

Ever dreamed of embarking on your own career as a freelance lawyer?  There has seriously never been a better time – as we’ve written about before.  The legal industry has moved light years ahead in embracing and thriving with remote work over the last year.  These advances are creating countless new opportunities for freelance lawyers as more and more firms are realizing that outsourcing time consuming legal work such as research, drafting documents or reviewing discovery is the ultimate way to control costs while getting quality work.

At LAWCLERK, we always welcome new freelance lawyers.  There is no sign-up fee and no monthly fee to be a part of our nationwide network of powerhouse freelance lawyers.  So, what are you waiting for?  If you are looking for some extra work or regular gigs, we can help you connect with busy attorneys looking for your exact experience and expertise.  Join today!

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk


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