Today on the blog we’re kicking off a series of posts on how to use LAWCLERK in various practice areas like bankruptcy, family law, estate planning, immigration and many more.  Our goal is to help illustrate time saving ways busy attorneys can leverage the time and talent of our nationwide network of freelance lawyers.

If you don’t already know the concept behind LAWCLERK, here’s a recap.  We help connect busy attorneys with our nationwide network of freelance lawyers for project work.  All projects are done on a flat fee price set by the hiring attorney.  There are no sign-up or monthly fees.  Want to know more?  Check out this video.

Here are a few examples of recent LAWCLERK projects from a variety of practice areas along with the range of flat fees we are seeing for each type of work:

Recent LAWCLERK Projects                                  Range of Flat Fee Prices

Research Memorandums                                           $200 to $2,000

Prepare or Respond to Discovery Requests          $150 to $1,000

Appellate Briefs                                                             $1,500 to $7,500

Motion to Suppress Evidence                                    $400 to $1,000

Draft Pre or Post Nuptial Agreement                      $600 to $1,500

Motion to Lift Bankruptcy Stay                                 $300 to $750

Board of Immigration Appeals Brief                        $750 to $2,500

Complaint for Modification of Custody                   $200 to $625

Demand Letters                                                             $300 to $750

Prepare Shareholder Agreement                              $250 to $1,500

Draft Commercial Lease                                               $300 to $1,000

Trusts & Wills                                                                   $200 to $3,000

Blog Articles for Website                                              $150 to $600

Oppositions to Motions                                                 $450 to $2,000

Document Review                                                          $300 to $2,500

Motions in Limine                                                           $250 to $800

Various Forms of Agreements                                     $150 to $750

Probate Accountings & Motions                                  $200 to $1,250

Motions for Summary Judgment                                $400 to $2,000

Supreme Court Writ                                                        $1,200 to $3,500

We see an incredible variety of work go through our marketplace – both litigation and transactional – ranging from issues involving aviation law to complicated trusts and everything in between.  With that being said, it would be nearly impossible to provide a post on every single area of law, but we’ll do our best to cover as many as possible.  If there is something we miss that you’d like to know more about – let us know!  Just email with blog ideas or suggestions or just to initiate a conversation about your niche in the law.

Not sure how to get started or set the flat fee price for your first project?  No worries – we’ve got your back!  Please reach out to the LAWCLERK Care Team by email or by phone (888) 479-5728.

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk


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