The past few months we’ve had the pleasure of meeting hundreds of personal injury attorneys from all across the United States at conferences like the AAJ Annual Conference and CAALA Vegas.

One universal thing we’ve learned from these conversations is that personal injury attorneys are always on the lookout for ways to work smarter and achieve even greater results for their injured clients.

LAWCLERK can be a tremendous resource.  Here’s how.

Our network of U.S. freelance lawyers – we call them Lawclerks – come from a wide range of experience.  Some are former judicial clerks with extensive appellate experience, some are former big law attorneys taking time off to care for family, some are even retired attorneys with decades of experience.

Our Lawclerks are here to help busy personal injury attorneys with any written work ranging from a straight forward research memo to a complicated appellate brief.  All work is done on a project basis at the flat fee price set by the hiring attorney.

Here are a few examples of recent LAWCLERK projects and the range of flat fees we are seeing for each type of work:

Recent LAWCLERK Projects                               Range of Flat Fee Prices

Demand Letters                                                          $300 to $750

Medical Record Summary                                        $300 to $600

Blog Articles for Website                                          $150 to $600

Complaints                                                                   $250 to $750

Prepare or Respond to Discovery Requests        $150 to $1,000

Motion to Compel Discovery                                    $400 to $1,000

Meet & Confer Letter                                                  $350 to $550

Research Memorandums                                         $200 to $2,000

Motions for Summary Judgment                            $400 to $2,000

Deposition or Transcript Summaries                      $400 to $800

Jury Instructions                                                           $150 to $450

Motions in Limine                                                         $250 to $800

Appellate Briefs                                                             $1,500 to $7,500

Not sure how to get started or set the flat fee price for your first project?  No worries – we’ve got your back!  Please reach out to the LAWCLERK Care Team by email or by phone (888) 479-5728.

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk


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