At LAWCLERK, we help connect attorneys with our nationwide network of talented freelance lawyers, we call Lawclerks.  Attorneys can hire our Lawclerks on-demand for project work at the flat fee price they set.

We see all types of legal work coming through the marketplace – everything from aviation law to complicated trusts.  Family law is one of the most common areas of law we see.  If you’re a family law attorney, there are endless ways you can put our experienced Lawclerks to work for you.

We’ve seen busy family law attorneys use Lawclerk for help with research, drafting pleadings, managing discovery and everything in between.  LAWCLERK offers a flexible staffing solution without the overhead and headaches of a full-time hire.

Here are a few examples of recent LAWCLERK projects and the range of flat fees we are seeing for each type of work:

Recent LAWCLERK Projects                                                Range of Flat Fee Prices

Blog Articles for Website                                                            $150 to $500

Draft Discovery Requests                                                           $135 to $300

Complaint for Modification of Custody                                   $200 to $625

Research Memo re: Pre-marital Property Issue                    $200 to $375

Review and Revise Divorce Decree with Child                      $250 to $425

Confidential Settlement Conference Brief                             $300 to $650

Review File and Prepare Case Timeline                                   $200 to $350

Prepare Property Settlement Agreement                               $400 to $650

Respond to Motion to Dismiss                                                    $400 to $575

Review and Summarize Discovery Responses                       $300 to $450

Motion for Summary Judgment                                                $500 to $1,250

Draft Pre or Post Nuptial Agreement                                        $600 to $1,500

Not sure how to get started or set the flat fee price for your first project?  No worries – we’ve got your back!  Please reach out to the LAWCLERK Care Team by email or by phone (888) 479-5728.

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk


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