Almost every solo and small firm attorney has had one or both of these unfortunately common experiences:

            Scenario 1: Associates are expensive. And, all too often, once you spend a year training them, they leave to hang up their own shingle or join a higher paying firm. The harsh result – another attorney benefits from your countless hours of training and you are left high and dry to figure out how to handle the work you had previously delegated to your not-so-faithful associate.

            Scenario 2: You have not yet hired an associate, because you are leery of the reality of the roller coaster of the practice of law – feast or famine. While every attorney prays to be blessed with a steady workflow, few can harness that unicorn. So, instead, you find yourself working all day, every day, missing friend’s birthdays and kids’ recitals, and then panicking when you actually have a minute to breath because you fear the next client may not come in the door.

There is a better solution! By engaging freelance lawyers on a project basis, attorneys can obtain the subject matter expertise on a project by project basis at the flat fee price they set without increasing overhead. Here are a few examples of how attorneys on LAWCLERK have priced and billed projects completed by skilled freelance lawyers, resulting in a better work product, a lower cost to their clients, and a greater profit for the attorneys.

Project | Flat Fee Price for Project | Amount Billed to Attorney’s Client | Attorney Profit

Research Memorandum | $1,250 | 10.3 hrs. billed @ 185/hr. | $656

Motion in Limine | $500 | 7.9 hrs. billed @ $185/hr. | $962

First Request for Documents | $400 | 6.25 hrs. billed @ $185/hr. | $756

Residential Lease | $250 | $750 (flat fee) | $500

Will and Powers of Attorney | $200 | $600 (flat fee) | $400

Sign up is free and takes minutes. Plus, there are no monthly fees to be a part of the LAWCLERK marketplace. You only pay the flat fee price you set when you post work to the marketplace and hire a freelance lawyer. Learn more at

Talitha Gray Kozlowski

Talitha Gray Kozlowski


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