Over the years, we’ve helped hundreds of busy immigration attorneys connect with freelance immigration lawyers and get a much needed extra set of hands.

In this post, we’ll share:

  1. Examples demonstrating how immigration attorneys are using our freelance lawyer marketplace — to give you an idea of the types of tasks you could delegate, and how much it will likely cost.

  2. How to leverage our marketplace to ensure you’ve selected the best possible freelance immigration lawyer (i.e. reviewing each freelance lawyer’s profile and seeing the number of jobs they’ve completed for other attorneys on the site, the ratings they’ve received, their resume/credentials, and their writing samples).

Note: At LAWCLERK, we help busy attorneys with a lot on their plate conquer their never-ending to-do list, thanks to our large network of 3,000+ freelance lawyers in all 50 states, and in all areas of specialty. Learn more here and sign up for a free account

Examples of How Immigration Attorneys Have Successfully Used Our Freelance Lawyer Marketplace (and How You Could As Well)

Below, we put together a list of recent immigration projects that were posted on our marketplace (along with the flat fee that was paid to each freelance lawyer), so that you can get an idea of how other attorneys in the immigration field are using our marketplace.

In no particular order:

This is just the tip of the iceberg. If you’d like to see a larger list of examples, we compiled a comprehensive document that includes around 30 projects that immigration attorneys posted on our site, along with:

  • Project description

  • Project details

  • Flat fee that was paid to the freelance lawyer

  • Review and rating that the hiring attorney left for the freelance lawyer after the job was completed.

The purpose of creating this document was to show immigration attorneys the full scope of what they can delegate to freelance lawyers, and we often get messages from customers saying it gave them new outsourcing ideas they would have never considered otherwise.

Here’s a peek inside one page of the document (see here) to give you an idea of what you can expect:


Hot Topics: BIA Briefs, Asylum Cases, and Crimmigration Projects

When we attend immigration law conferences, some of the hot topics that routinely come up (and that immigration attorneys need help with) are BIA briefs, asylum cases, and crimmigration projects.

In this section, we’ll share specific examples of immigration attorneys who delegated work in the aforementioned areas to freelance lawyers, and how they benefited from doing so.

BIA Brief

One of our top customers is an immigration attorney in New York who routinely posts projects requesting help to prepare the memorandum of law in support of the appeal brief. Time after time, he gets quality work done by freelance lawyers who have dealt with BIA briefs in the past, and are familiar with the core cases and issues of law that are relevant to the memorandum.

Outsourcing any portion of the BIA Brief — in this specific example, memorandum of law — is a smart move for immigration attorneys who are busy and aiming to be efficient with their time by focusing on tasks that are their highest and best use (i.e. interfacing with new and existing clients). 

Asylum Brief 

We recently had a case where an immigration attorney hired a freelance lawyer to help write a brief for a client seeking asylum because they had fled their home country due to being persecuted for their religious beliefs.

The attorney provided the freelance lawyer with initial research and a copy of their client statement with the I-589 application, then tasked the freelancer with the time-consuming work of reviewing and analyzing all the data to write a compelling brief in favor of asylum.

Hiring a talented freelancer to take this data and compile a concise and persuasive brief is beneficial because the freelance lawyer can bring new ideas to the table that you hadn’t considered before.They haven’t lived and breathed that case for months (or years), and may have a fresh and independent perspective on what issues are most relevant and compelling to the immigration court in considering that appeal.

Crimmigration Project

One of our customers recently hired a freelance lawyer to analyze whether or not a client was properly advised of the potential impact on his criminal case by taking a plea deal, and whether it would make sense to file a motion on the basis of ineffective assistance of counsel.

Occasionally, Crimmigration projects like this will come through the door, and this is the perfect time to tap into the talent of a freelance lawyer who may have more experience than you in the interplay between criminal law and immigration law. That second set of eyes can lend a level of insight and guidance that you wouldn’t have on your own in counseling that client.

How to Find the Best Freelance Immigration Lawyer on Our Marketplace for Your Project

Over the years, 3,000+ freelance lawyers all over the United States have joined our marketplace, and that number is growing every day. On average, 12 candidates apply to each project, which increases your chances of finding a freelancer with the most relevant credentials and experience for your immigration case.

When each freelance lawyer applies, you can click on their profile and view their:

  1. Resume
  2. Writing sample
  3. Reviews and ratings (based on projects they’ve completed for other hiring attorneys on our site).
  4. Bio


As you can see in the example above, Breanna Cary is a top rated freelance immigration lawyer on our marketplace, and to date, she has completed over 30 complex immigration projects with a 96.77% “exceeded expectations” rating, and a 3.23% “met expectations” rating.

Breanna graduated summa cum laude with her Juris Doctor from Oklahoma City University School of Law. She has dedicated her practice of law to immigration issues, specifically humanitarian issues and immigration-related litigation. She serves on AILA’s Board of Publications and Distance Learning Committee. And she has published multiple immigration-related pieces and is a frequent speaker on immigration law before legal and community groups.

Getting Your First Project Live

Interested in delegating legal work to one of the many talented freelance immigration lawyers on our marketplace?

Follow the simple instructions in the video below to post your first project.


Note: At LAWCLERK, we help busy attorneys with a lot on their plate conquer their never-ending to-do list, thanks to our large network of 3,000+ freelance lawyers in all 50 states, and in all areas of specialty. There’s no signup cost and no monthly fees. Learn more here and sign up for a free account

Additional Resources


Webinar replay on how to Use LAWCLERK most effectively as an immigration law firm and find high quality, freelance licensed attorneys with years of experience.



FAQ page for hiring attorneys


Blog Posts 

The downsides of hiring a virtual immigration paralegal, and why you should hire a freelance lawyer instead

How to effectively outsource legal research and brief writing

Overlooked downsides of traditional legal services that help with outsourcing, and how our freelance lawyer marketplace avoids these issues

How to effectively staff your small law firm given the implications of COVID-19, and whether to hire on a part-time or full-time basis

Why you should consider flat fee billing and instead of charging an hourly rate

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk


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