We love a good success story – especially when LAWLERK is involved.  This case study explores how our subscription based remote associate program was the perfect fit for a solo attorney aiming to get more work done and increase profitability.

The Challenge

Attorney Ryan Johnson, a solo practitioner in Nashville, TN, was looking for a solution to build his family law practice and allow him to focus on handling the critical, face-to-face aspects of his clients’ cases (client meetings, court appearances, depositions, and trials).  Ryan was searching to find a flexible way to get help with the behind the scenes, time consuming substantive work of his legal practice such as motion practice, document review, written discovery, and research all while maximizing profitability.

The LAWCLERK Solution

LAWCLERK provides access to a pool of thousands of virtual associates with every imaginable skillset and experience level.  These virtual associates come with no overhead and through LAWCLERK’s subscription service are available to assist at rates of $75, $100 or $140 per hour based upon experience level. LAWCLERK provides solo practitioners like Ryan with a smaller pool of applicants that are hand selected to meet the identified needs of his practice. Ryan can then interview the applicants and chose the best fit for his practice. Best of all, once the applicant is chosen their work can ethically be billed out to his clients at a reasonable market rate above what the virtual associate is being paid by the practice.

The Result

Through LAWCLEARK Ryan was able to hire the perfect virtual associate who otherwise he would not have been able to afford as a traditional full-time hire – nor did he currently need full-time help!  Ryan connected with a 10+ year attorney who had a strong background in family law and litigation but who had stepped back from the full-time practice of law to focus on caring for her three young children.

Once they were matched, Ryan was able to assign a variety of time consuming, substantive tasks to the virtual associate.  As a result, Ryan was able to work on each of his files more often, rather than focusing on the few that needed more behind the scenes work. This in turn lead to Ryan being able to bill clients more often but in slightly smaller amounts which increased the likelihood that he would get paid.  Ryan’s practice saw an overall increase in revenue by over $7,000 in just the first month working with his virtual associate!

Ryan was also able to delegate tasks for the virtual associate to complete while he was stuck in court for multiple days in a row. By doing so, he was able to avoid a stack of work needing to be completed upon his return while at the same time increasing revenue and profits by billing the associate’s work at a reasonable market rate above what he was paying the associate via LAWCLERK.

Want to learn more Ryan and his practice?  Check out Ryan’s recent interview with Clio about Embracing the Freelance Legal Professional HERE.

Curious to explore LAWCLERK’s Virtual Associate Subscription Program?  Learn more here.

Ready to schedule a demo with one of our team members to see how LAWCLERK can help generate more profits for your firm?  Book a demo here.

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk


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