We know that inevitably in the practice of law deadlines will sneak up on you – whether you had a calendaring snafu or have simply been slammed.  When you are faced with a looming deadline outsourcing the work to a freelance lawyer can be a great solution to get the work done – and fast. Before you log into your LAWCLERK account to post a Project with a fast deadline, please keep the tips mentioned in this article in mind.

And in typical lawyer fashion we must give the following disclaimer:  Please do everything you can to avoid rush jobs!  You will always get the best possible work product when you give yourself and your freelance lawyer plenty of time to complete a Project.

That being said, if you have a short time frame to get a Project done, follow these tips and take a slightly different approach to posting the Project to help you get what you’re expecting.

  • Application period: Consider allowing up to two days for applicants to apply — you can always assign the Project sooner but limiting it to 1-4 hours might mean the best candidate can’t apply in time.
  • Project Description:
    • Share background information, including what led up to this stage in the case.
    • List resources/ references that you’ve been working from so that your freelancer doesn’t come to a different conclusion/ develop a different argument than you intended.
    • Specify – preferably in ALL CAPS – that this Project is on a firm deadline that cannot be moved.
  • Project Details:
    • Describe the required format or template.  If possible – provide your preferred form so the freelancer can work off that document!
    • Ask applicants to be available for a quick kick-off call to ensure you’re on the same page.
    • Communicate your preferences and invite open, ongoing communication.
  • Project Price: Candidates are more likely to pick up a rush project that’s priced higher. Consider the volume of work and turnaround time and increase appropriately.  You should definitely pay a premium for a Project with a fast deadline.  If you aren’t sure how to price the Project, your Dedicated Lawclerk Advisor can help!
  • Upload documents immediately: Head to document library and upload right after posting the Project. The documents won’t be shown to applicants.  Only the attorney that you select will see them and this ensures your freelancer can hit the ground running.
  • If possible, assign the Project to someone you’ve worked with before. The LAWCLERK platform allows you to connect with your favorite freelancers for future work via our Teams feature. That’s why it’s a great reason to post a small Project when you sign up, establish relationships that can be depended on when tight turnaround times are needed.


As always, the LAWCLERK team is here to help.  Reach out to your Dedicated Lawclerk Advisor or contact us by email support@lawclerk.legal or by phone (888) 479-5728.

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk


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