LAWCLERK is excited to announce we have launched version 2.0 of our mobile app for freelance lawyers and virtual associates.  This customized app is exclusively for freelance lawyers and is available for download for both Android and iOS mobile users.  A separate app for hiring attorneys will be announced at a later date – stay tuned!

One of the best parts about a freelance legal career is that it enables an attorney to work anywhere, anytime.  At LAWCLERK, we are committed to building the remote tools that freelance lawyers need to succeed. This app is the latest tool we have added to our offerings.


The LAWCLERK app allows freelance lawyers to do a number of things.  First and foremost, the app provides immediate notification of new Projects and Virtual Associate opportunities, with all of the critical details at the attorney’s fingertips.



And, now, freelance attorneys and virtual associates can instantly apply for Projects or Virtual Associate opportunities from directly within the app.  They can also manage their pending applications from within the app.



Last but certainly not least, freelance attorneys and Virtual Associates are able to log and keep track of their time working on Projects or Subscriptions via the app without having to log onto their laptop or visiting the LAWCLERK website.


Enjoy the flexibility and freedom of practicing law on your own terms. Whether you want to pick up occasional work as a freelance lawyer or prefer the steady work and pay of being a part time Virtual Associate, LAWCLERK has what you are looking for.

If you are interested in joining LAWCLERK as either a hiring attorney or freelance lawyer, register for free today at

Have questions?  Feel free to reach out to us by email or by phone (888) 479-5728.

Let us know what you think about the new app!


Talitha Gray Kozlowski

Talitha Gray Kozlowski


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