LAWCLERK is pleased to announce that we are now recommended as a member benefit with the Missouri Bar!  We look forward to connecting the members of the Missouri Bar with our thousands of freelance lawyers to get more work done.

LAWCLERK was built by lawyers, for lawyers.  We know that attorney workloads are demanding.  Between meeting with clients, keeping up with deadlines and appearing at court there is never enough time.  That’s why we built a nationwide network of freelance lawyers attorneys can work with when they need an extra set of hands – whether that’s on a routine on-going basis or sporadically as needed.

Our freelance lawyers – called Lawclerks – are all U.S. based and come from a wide range of experience.  Some are former judicial clerks with extensive appellate experience, some are former big law attorneys taking time off to care for family, some are even retired attorneys with decades of experience.  The Lawclerks can help with a vast array of projects including, but certainly not limited to, research, drafting any sort of written document, and managing discovery.

If you are a family law attorney in Columbia, we have Lawclerks who can help you draft property settlement agreements to free up your time to meet with potential new clients.  If you are a bankruptcy lawyer in Kirkwood, we have Lawclerks who can help prepare motions to lift stay and help save you a ton of time.  If you are an appellate lawyer in Liberty, we have Lawclerks who are incredibly talented writers who can draft your next appellate brief and knock it out of the park!  Read more about the benefits of working with freelance lawyers and download our guide HERE.

LAWCLERK provides freelance legal services to attorneys in all 50 states using our proprietary technology built to comply with each state’s ethical rules concerning the unauthorized practice of law. For an in-depth analysis of how LAWCLERK keeps you ethically compliant, please download our Ethics Whitepaper.

At LAWCLERK, we look forward to partnering with the approximate 12,000 lawyers in the state of Missouri to help you get more work done, make more money and hopefully spend more time relaxing out of the office.  Learn more and schedule a free demo HERE.

Mark your calendar!  Be sure to visit our booth at the annual MOBAR Solo & Small Firm Conference in Osage Beach on June 4-6, 2020.

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk


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