There are many advantages to becoming a freelance attorney, including the flexibility it gives you to work when you want and on what projects you want. However, like any business, freelancing requires you to go out and get clients. If you want to be successful, you need to market your services to other attorneys. Here are a few tips to get you started:

1. Create a strong online professional profile.  You should always use LinkedIn, but in addition, you may want to develop your own website with more information about you.  If you join a freelace marketplace like LAWCLERK, you can also create a profile on that site. Your profile should include a picture, clear and concise summary of your experience and skill level, full resume, writing samples, and other relevant information.

2. Network. It’s important to get out and meet and build relationships with attorneys. They are not only potential clients, but also referral sources. Some of the best places for networking are bar associations and law school alumni groups. Become a member, attend meetings and join a committee so you get to know people better. Don’t forget to reach out to your own contacts including former classmates and colleagues to let them know that you are freelancing.

3. Sign up with an online legal marketplace or staffing agency. Many alternative legal services companies are actively promoting their services to law firms. When projects come in, they either send you the work or facilitate the connection with a law firm.

4. Use multiple marketing channels to promote yourself. In addition to networking, you should consider advertising in legal publications, writing articles, speaking at seminars, blogging, being active on social media and sending a regular email newsletter to your contacts. The more ways you market, the better your chances of reaching new audiences and staying top of mind with your contacts.

5. Get references and testimonials from attorneys you have worked with in the past. This helps build your credibility and reputation and lets other firms know what type of work you have done. These reviews can go on your LinkedIn profile, website or become part of your profile if you have joined an online marketplace.

Building a successful business as a freelance lawyer takes time, but it is a rewarding choice. Follow these tips to make your marketing more effective and get more clients.

If you are a freelance attorney or considering becoming one, learn more about how LAWCLERK™ works or contact us for a consultation today.


Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk


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