I may or may not be a bit of a podcast aficionado. I listen to podcasts on a range of topics including news, true crime, motherhood, current events, politics, personal development, business, health, and of course legal podcasts.  I’ve even got my nine-year-old son hooked on podcasts and he subscribes to several that he listens to on his own during our walks or car rides.

Like many people, my podcast consumption dropped significantly during the early months of the pandemic. Prior to that, I usually spent an hour and a half in the car on most days plus time walking my dog so it was easy to consume a lot of podcasts. On a totally unrelated tangent, if we ever meet in real life please ask me about my dog.  He is the coolest dude around and there are few things I love more than sharing my most recent “Guess what my dog did?!” story.

Now, back to legal podcasts.  Without my usual pre-pandemic car time, my podcast listening routine definitely declined but as new and particularly timely podcasts emerged I found ways to work more podcasts back into my daily routine.

Podcasts are such a great way for me – like many busy attorneys – to consume in-depth content while doing other things that need to be done. Whether that’s exercising, doing household chores, or relaxing by a pool while the kids play it’s an incredibly convenient way to consume valuable information while still being aware of other things going on in your surroundings.

So, without further adieu, I’d love to share some of my favorite legal podcasts. Some of these are oldies but goodies. Some of these are newcomers that have recently made their way to my podcast library. I encourage you to check them out and see if the content is useful to you and your current life and practice.

So now, in no particular order, here’s a rundown of some of the best legal podcasts:

1. LawNext 

If we’re going to dive into the top lawyer podcasts, it only feels right to start with the godfather of legal podcasts:  Bob Ambrogi. If you want to know the latest inside scoop on any the latest legal news related to legal issues or technology, Bob’s your guy.

You may already know Bob as the publisher of LawSites.  His showLawNext, drops new episodes weekly and very frequently features major announcements related to all things legal technology such as new product launches, acquisitions, investments in legal technology, legal news, trends, hot topics in legal culture and just an awesome line up of guests discussing ways they are shaking things up and practicing law in new and innovative ways.

Bob is constantly trying to learn more about the constant evolution of legal technology.  Thanks to his own quest for knowledge, he asks insightful and thoughtful questions of his guests that make it easy for listeners to learn along the way.   If you want a glimpse into the future of law, definitely subscribe to LawNext.

2. Hustle & Flow 

But Bob’s powerhouse of a podcast wasn’t my first foray into legal podcasts.  The first legal podcast I discovered lead to countless incredible friendships, mentorship, and professional growth. I can’t remember exactly how I stumbled across the Hustle and Flow podcast by Heather Hubbard many years ago but I’m so thankful that I did.   After finding the podcast and quickly binging every available episode I had an opportunity to join Heather at a mastermind retreat with a small group of other successful lawyers from across the country. This experience empowered me and helped change the trajectory of my legal career.

I quickly found that Heather and I had a lot of things in common including our small town roots, our big dreams, and our desire to make the most of every single day by working hard but also not losing sight of what’s important in life. While her big law experience was vastly different than my own early years as a young attorney at a boutique firm, the underlying principles Heather discusses of developing your own personal brand and building a book of business resonate with her listeners no matter how large or small their firm may be.

I continued to listen to Heather’s podcast religiously every week for years (often texting her kudos for particularly exceptional episodes) and even got to be a guest on the show for Episode #59: Disrupting the Legal Marketplace.

And while Heather is no longer producing new episodes of the Hustle and Flow podcast, the entire library of 170+ shows is still available for your listening enjoyment.  The podcast covers an array of topics that will speak to any lawyer depending on where you are in your own career journey. And as a bonus if you are also a podcast fanatic like me, you should also check out Heather‘s newest podcast and program:  Simple Courage.

3. New Solo 

Jay Foonberg’s book How to Start and Build a Law Practice is widely regarded as THE go-to guide on, well, how to start your own firm.  Like many entrepreneurial lawyers, I own this book, have read this book, and agree it is a must-have for anyone looking to open up shop.

If you want a podcast equivalent to Foonberg’s legendary book with a digital edge then be sure to subscribe to the New Solo podcast, which is one of many podcast series presented by the Legal Talk Network.  Anyone considering starting their own solo practice should make time to binge-listen to the New Solo which is hosted by Adriana Linares immediately.   Law students are starting to realize there are a lot of things “they don’t teach you in law school.”  In today’s competitive legal market, legal professionals need to learn the ins and outs of small law firms and New Solo provides way more than a starter course.

Probably the best thing about Adriana – and why her podcast is so amazing – is the fact that she is not a lawyer. She is a technology consultant and law practice coach who has spent decades working in the legal industry.  She has deep knowledge and insight into the business of legal.  She’s smart, she’s cool and she has mastered the crossroads of legal technology and the business of law.  There are very few non-lawyers that truly “get it” the way that Adriana does.

Plus, you can’t help but truly enjoy listening to her show because she makes it so enjoyable.  She always has top notch guests, asks powerful questions and digs into practical take-away tips.  If you ever run into Adriana at a legal conference or CLE event definitely make sure to check out any sessions that she is presenting. I can honestly say that in every single podcast I’ve listened to and every CLE I’ve attended Adriana teaches me something new each and every time.

4. Un-Billable Hour

If you’re really interested in the business of the practice of law (and my guess is that you probably are if you’re reading the LAWCLERK blog), then you’ll also want to be sure to check out the Un-Billable Hour podcast. 

This show acknowledges that there is way more to building a successful law practice than billing a gazillion hours.  It doesn’t matter how many hours you bill if you neglect the business side of your practice and don’t build systems and processes to keep your firm thriving.

Over the past few years, our team has gotten to know host Christopher Anderson quite well. Chris is another one of the people in the legal industry that just gets it about the challenges of being a lawyer and juggling the demands of your clients while nurturing your business.

Chris’ podcasts dig into a variety of topics related to the practice of law and legal services. Recent episodes have included discussions on embracing your role as the CEO of your firm, using data to manage your firm, law firm growth, getting help to staff your firm, and of course legal marketing among countless others.

The Un-Billable Hour has a robust library of episodes so no matter what topic you’re currently interested in or struggling in with your own firm there’s no doubt you can find at least one episode if not several to help with that exact topic.

5. LAWsome

Who says legal podcasts can’t be fun?  The amazing team behind the LAWsome podcast – that’s who.

I have been such a fan of this show for years and *may have geeked out a bit when I got the chance to be a guest on the pod (Episode 123 – The Legal Gig Economy, in case you were wondering).

But this wasn’t the first time someone from LAWCLERK got to be a guest on the LAWsome podcast.  That honor went to my co-founder, Greg Garman, all the way back on Episode 61 – Building Your Virtual Firm.

The first season of the LAWsome podcast was hosted by legal marketing professionals – Jake Sanders and Paul Julius.  If you look up the word “boring” in the dictionary you will most definitely NOT find a picture of Jake and Paul.  They are the exact opposite!

One of my all time favorite episodes hosted by Jake and Paul included legal tech dynamo Jess Birken on Episode 90 – FrankenFirm: Piecing Together Innovation & Legal Tech.  Even if you’re pressed for time, do yourself a favor and go listen to the first two minutes of this episode.  You’ll be hooked.  You can thank me later.

One of the hallmarks of the LAWsome podcast, season one, is that Jake and Paul ask the same five questions of every guest.  I love hearing how the various guests answer these same five questions.  Some of them know the questions are coming and many don’t.   If I ever launch my own podcast I will likely come up with my own list of signature questions to ask every guest.

Season two of LAWsome is hosted by Tanner Jones.  While the latest season only has a few episodes out of the gate there it’s clear that Tanner will continue to bring the same high level quality of information related to all things legal marketing.

6. Your Law Firm is a Business, Take it to the Next Level 

Now for a new addition to my podcast library: Your Law Firm is a Business, Take it to the Next Level hosted by the dynamic duo that is Melanie Leonard and Mark Homer.  I think it would hard to find a more knowledgeable and personable combination than Mark and Melanie.

Melanie, who is a lawyer, and is the founder of streamlined.legal which helps law firms maximize their systems and processes to get the most of their practice management software.  She offers customizable consulting, training and education to law firms.  The fact that she is willing to share so much of her knowledge for free on this podcast is truly remarkable.

While Mark is not a lawyer, there is no doubt he is one of the top legal marketers in the U.S.  His company, GNGF – Get Noticed Get Found, works with law firms all across the country to develop “killer marketing strategies.”  Mark shares his wealth of knowledge about the practical day to day issues attorneys encounter when running a legal practice.

To date the show has published nine episodes spanning a variety of topics including law practice management, marketing, automation, and staffing challenges.

7. Financially Legal 

Another relatively new podcast is Financially Legal.  Host Dan Lear brings his charismatic knowledge, wit and charm to this twice-monthly podcast focused on all things financial within the legal sector.

Dan is head of marketing and partnerships at Gravity Legal, an electronic payments and money management firm built specifically for lawyers and law firms. Prior to Gravity Legal, Dan worked as director of industry relations for the legal marketplace Avvo and, before that, as a technology attorney with both Fortune 500 companies and startup clients.  He has a unique perspective on where legal is and where legal can do.

Dan leverages his vast network and relationships with law firm leaders, industry experts, academics, business professionals and fellow thought leaders to provide compelling and provocative insights at the intersection of finance, economics, and law.  Be sure to check out Episode 13 for an interview with LAWCLERK CEO Greg Garman where they discuss whether there is an ideal size for a law firm and what, if anything, does that have to do with the online legal gig economy.

8. Maximum Lawyer 

Maximum Lawyer is more than a podcast – it’s a movement. Founded by practicing attorneys and true innovators Jim Hacking and Tyson Mutrux, Maximum Lawyer has grown to a massive private Facebook groupannual conferences, and a members-only mastermind style Guild.

Jim and Tyson’s mission is to help attorneys connect and support each other while they build their businesses.  Whether you are on the brink of launch your own firm or you are navigating how to manage your firm’s growth you can find knowledge and assistance from the Maximum Lawyer community.

The podcast brings to life the challenges and thrills of being a legal entrepreneur.  Recent episodes have covered getting paid, stress management, business differentiation, law firm business models, reducing overhead, automation and business planning.  If there is a law firm business topic you want to know more about, chances are you can find a Maximum Lawyer podcast episode on point.

9. Maximum Mom – AND – Mom Life and Law 

I can’t help to resist sharing two podcasts in the number nine spot because both deal with the challenges of being a mother and a lawyer.  While you may think these shows are exclusively for women – they aren’t.   The issues facing mothers as parents most certainly extend to fathers as well.  And even non-parents can learn important lessons about the challenges parents face on a daily basis while working in the legal profession by tuning in.

First up, the Maximum Mom podcast hosted by Elise Buie.  Elise is an inspirational person.  She is mom to six who she loving calls a modern day Brady Bunch.   She is founder of the Elise Buie Family Law firm in Seattle, Washington where she is never afraid to do things differently in order to build the firm of her dreams.  Guests dive into a plethora of legal topics and have included Claire Parsons, Iffy Ibekwe, Melissa Shanahan, Melanie Leonard, Erin Levine and the one and only Carolyn Elefant.  With such a dynamic host and a rockstar lineup of guests, this is a truly great podcast.

Next is another newbie:   Mom Life and Law is a weekly podcast hosted by Megan Whiteside.  I heard about this podcast thanks to the magic of social media.  Megan is a self-proclaimed “lawyer mom on a mission.”   What exactly is that mission?  To help fellow lawyer moms throw out the idea of perfection, embrace motherhood as a superpower and thrive.   She explores a wide variety of topics ranging from fun (lawyer style and yoga) to serious (finding your purpose and supporting diversity).

10. The Human Lawyer

The Human Lawyer podcast is powered by a 501(c)(3) North Carolina non-profit corporation.  Its goal is to spotlight the stories that influence and guide people’s work as lawyers.   The mission of the show is “to expand the margin we have for other lawyers by focusing on that which makes us human to identify how the ‘human stuff’ leads lawyers to a fulfilled career, whether in the law or something else.”

Host Kevin Pratt is an attorney who works as associate general counsel at Movement Mortgage and hosts the podcast in a freelance capacity.  He connects with guests from all across the country to tell their unique stories as attorneys and humans.  Yours truly was even a recent guest on the pod.  If you enjoy hearing the stories behind the successes and challenges of your fellow lawyers, check out the Human Lawyer.

And So Many More! 

I’ve barely touched the tip of the iceberg with the list above in terms of truly fantastic legal podcasts.  I haven’t even gotten to so many of the other fantastic law podcasts including, but certainly not limited to: Lawyer Forward (hosted by Michael Whelan – be sure to check out the 90 day known expert podcast series of shows), Thinking Like a Lawyer hosted by Joe Patrice of Above the Law, The Law Entrepreneur with Neil Tyra, Law Firm Autopilot with Ernie the Attorney, Lawyers Gone Ethical hosted by Megan Zavieh, Legal Toolkit hosted by Jared Correia, Lawyerpreneur Podcast by Jeremy W. Richter, the Six Minute CEO Podcast presented by Ally Lozano, and of course the Lawyerist podcast hosted by Stephanie Everett.

I always love to hear suggestions for other podcasts so if you’ve got any “can’t miss” shows please let me know.  You can find me on Twitter (@kristintyler) or via email (ktyler@lawclerk.legal).  Happy podcast listening!



Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk


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