Download the Mass Tort Mastery Guide

Mass Tort Mastery Guide Book

Running a mass tort law firm is very similar to running a marathon on a tight rope. It’s a careful balancing act of managing resources over a long journey. Learn more about:

  • Strategies for managing mass tort cases.
  • Solutions for hiring to staff your team.
  • Benefits of remote associates.
  • Best practices for integrating new team members.

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Strategies for Managing Your Team for High Risk, Extended Multi-District Litigation in Mass Tort Law Firms


The old way of staffing mass tort law firms with full-time, in office associate attorneys is expensive and may be holding you back in many ways. In this eBook we will explore some flexible, nimble ways mass tort law firms are powering their teams for MDL with remote associates.

Thousands of successful engagements with lawyers like you to power your busy practice. Read some testimonials from our satisfied clients.

Eric Ratinoff

Recently i needed several lawyers to assist on a mass tort case, over a period of several months. The lawyers had to gather and evaluate information for plaintiff fact sheets and coordinate documents in support of each of the plaintiffs claims. LAWCLERK stepped up in a huge way, vetted a team of lawyers to work with us, and it has been a seamless process. I cannot recommend the Virtual Associate Subscription Program highly enough.

Eric Ratinoff

CA Attorney

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Mass Tort Mastery Guide​

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