There are many benefits to outsourcing legal work, particularly for smaller law firms. Utilizing freelance attorneys is an effective way to take on more billable work in your firm while keeping your costs low. With the large supply of lawyers in the marketplace, a law firm can find a freelance attorney in any practice area and with any level of experience. However, there are certain types of work that tend to be outsourced most often. These include:

  1. Legal research
  2. Shepardizing cases
  3. Discovery requests including subpoenas, requests for documents, interrogatories, and requests for admission
  4. Discovery responses
  5. Motions and other pleadings
  6. Deposition summaries
  7. Document review
  8. Demand letters
  9. Appellate briefs
  10. Writs to the U.S. Supreme Court
  11. Contracts
  12. Corporate documents, including operating agreements, by-laws, and corporate resolutions
  13. Leases
  14. Trusts and wills
  15. Powers of Attorney
  16. Immigration documents

This list is certainly not exclusive. Virtually any type of legal work can be outsourced. However, for these types of matters, there are many highly qualified attorneys available to do the work at an affordable cost. With more specialized legal work, there are fewer lawyers available, which means the costs can be higher. However, even at a higher price, it is typically more cost-effective to outsource than hire an attorney, unless you have enough business to support a new hire.

The most important point when considering outsourcing is finding the right attorney for your matter. That’s where utilizing an online legal marketplace can help. LAWCLERK provides skilled freelance attorneys on nearly any type of project and at any skill level. Our secure and confidential online platform is designed to help you find attorneys with the right skill set at the flat fee price you set.

Learn more about how LAWCLERK™ works or contact us for a consultation today.

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk


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