Have you ever been faced with deciding whether to accept legal work that you don’t ordinarily handle? Do you keep it or refer it to someone else? Taking the work means getting the revenue and the relationship with the client, but it also may be a large burden on your time. Using a freelance attorney can be the solution to this problem by providing a cost-effective way to bring in the expertise you need for the matter. Before making this decision, there are 3 things you should consider:

  1. How much work of this type do you want to accept, or do you think will come your way? If this case was a fluke and similar opportunities are unlikely to arise again, then it may make sense to refer it to another attorney. However, if you think more work like this could arise or it’s valuable for other business reasons, then outsourcing to project based freelance lawyers that work for you is a good way for you to handle these cases yourself. You can bring in revenue to the firm as well as expand your practice without adding employees or trying to educate yourself in another practice area.
  2. What is the turnaround time for the legal work? When the work is needed quickly, it may be hard for you to handle the matter within the firm. However, outsourcing can still help you keep the business for the firm. A freelance attorney offers flexibility, with skilled legal help available for any type of project when you need it.
  3. Is the work highly specialized? In some cases, it may be possible to learn enough to handle the matter personally. However, the more specialized the work, the more time and resources it takes to become enough of an expert to comfortably do the work yourself. However, in the current legal market, there are thousands of talented and available lawyers with specialized knowledge. These freelance attorneys have the necessary subject matter legal expertise to do the work for you on a flat-fee project basis.

Instead of dealing with a temporary legal staffing agency that is costly and looking to place long term employees, you should look at an online legal services marketplace. These provide access to a large number of highly qualified attorneys with specialized skill.

Lawclerk.legal offers a secure and compliant, fast and easy to use platform for outsourcing legal projects to skilled freelance attorneys on a project basis. Learn more about LAWCLERK’s™ unique model developed with the needs of solo practitioners and small law firms in mind.  Check out LAWCLERK’s™ introductory video on their homepage.

Greg Garman , Co-Founder Lawclerk

Greg Garman , Co-Founder Lawclerk


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