LAWCLERK is proud to announce that we are a CPM Connect partner with the Center for Practice Management at the North Carolina Bar Association.

For those NCBA members who may not be familiar with LAWCLERK, welcome!  We can help you connect with our nationwide network of thousands of freelance lawyers to get help with any of the substantive written work you’d like to outsource.

All work on LAWCLERK is done on a project basis at the flat fee price set by the hiring attorney.  There are no sign-up fees and no monthly fees.  This makes LAWCLERK a great solution to get the help you need, when you need it without taking on additional overhead!

The freelance lawyers – called Lawclerks – are all U.S. based and come from a wide range of experience.  Some are former judicial clerks with extensive appellate experience, some are former big law attorneys taking time off to care for family, some are even retired attorneys with decades of experience.  The Lawclerks can help with a vast array of projects including, but certainly not limited to, research, drafting any sort of written document, and managing discovery.

All projects are built out at a flat fee price that the hiring attorney sets. Read more about the benefits of working with freelance lawyers and download our guide HERE.

At LAWCLERK, we look forward to partnering with the members of the North Carolina Bar Association to help you get more work done, make more money and hopefully spend more time relaxing out of the office. Learn more and schedule a free demo or sign up today at!

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk


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