We are excited to announce the launch of our podcast: The Successful Business and Practice of Law!  You can download it and subscribe on Apple, Spotify and Google.

This podcast is a place where we will have conversations with lawyers who have achieved extraordinary success, those who are building innovative business models, and those who are simply doing things differently. We may also cover how technology is changing the way lawyers work. The main focus, however, will be on how lawyers run their businesses and practices in order to make them better.

The podcast is hosted by LAWCLERK CEO, Greg Garman. Greg has been practicing law for over 25 years, in the area of restructuring and bankruptcy for companies of all sizes. He is a true believer that lawyers make the world a better place. He aims to interview lawyers all over the country and dive into the stories behind their success and the firms they built.

On the inaugural episode, our guest is attorney Glen Lerner. He is a personal injury lawyer with a larger than life personality. During the interview, Glen shares: “I think that people see my personality but they see that I’m very honest too. There’s an honesty and a transparency and I think people appreciate that.”

Glen leaves us wondering, “Was he born this way or did he set out to invent himself as a character?” He is genuine, honest, and is one of the most successful personal injury lawyers in the country.

Download, subscribe, and listen. Let us know what you think!

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk


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