LAWCLERK is proud to announce that we are now an official member benefit with the Minnesota State Bar Association! We are excited to be a resource for attorneys who are busy and need an extra hand as well as lawyers who need subject matter expertise on their cases. Connecting our network of thousands of freelance lawyers to the members of the Minnesota State Bar is a powerful partnership!

LAWCLERK is an online marketplace where attorneys can hire freelance lawyers on a per project basis. Our site is strictly an attorney to attorney platform and registration is free. We do not charge any registration, membership or monthly fees and there is no commitment to have an account with LAWCLERK.

We alleviate stress because our freelancers take on the behind-the-scenes research, document review and written work while you focus on your clients. All projects are built out at a flat fee price that the hiring attorney sets. We have freelancers in all 50 states, with knowledge in all practice areas and with the expertise you are looking for.

Our proprietary technology was built to comply with each state’s ethical rules concerning the unauthorized practice of law. For an in-depth analysis of how LAWCLERK keeps you ethically compliant, please download our Ethics Whitepaper or read more about the benefits of working with freelance lawyers and download our Ultimate Guide to Legal Outsourcing.

At LAWCLERK, we look forward to partnering with the approximate 15,000 members of the Minnesota State Bar Association to help you get more work done, make more money and hopefully spend more time relaxing out of the office. Learn more and schedule a free demo or sign up today at!

Mike Graner

Mike Graner


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