We’ve been telling you here on the LAWCLERK blog to continue to prioritize growth and to stay positive in spite of the chaos around us. We even got behind the growth symposium put on by How To Manage A Small Law Firm to encourage law firms to find, seek, and exploit the opportunities in the current environment.

Here at LAWCLERK we’ve been having a great couple of weeks as smart lawyers increasingly realize that there is, indeed, work out there and there are ways to get it done even in this brave new world. On that note, here are three reasons why it makes sense now, more than ever, to hire a freelance attorney on LAWCLERK.

  1. Find and leverage expertise. One of the founding stories about LAWCLERK is about how LAWCLERK CEO, Greg Garman, missed the ability to walk down the hall and get expertise from other specialized attorneys and partners after he left a big firm. He founded LAWCLERK to better enable solo and small firm lawyers to tap into expertise that they may not have in their network or geography, let alone down the hall. I mean, the most likely thing that a lawyer will see when walking down the hall these days is a bathroom with no toilet paper and a child staring into the abyss of a mobile device. More seriously though, in light of the current lockdown and some rapidly changing economic times, lawyers may not be doing the same type of work they usually do. They might have something new or unique come across their desk – say, quarantine or lockdown citations or SBA loan qualification – about which they don’t have the proper expertise. This is where LAWCLERK comes in handy. Whether it’s expertise for traffic gone COVID or lending in a recession, there are thousands of freelance lawyers on LAWCLERK with millions of hours of experience in a wide variety of legal practice areas. Log in, post your project, and boom! You’ve got expertise.
  1. Vetting and interviewing just got really complicated. It’s true that recruiting has already been going digital with everything from LinkedIn to AI increasingly playing a role in the hiring process. But many of us still want to meet someone face-to-face, physically, as part of the hiring process. That’s going to be a real challenge in the brave new world of social distancing. And it’s true, you can try to interview and hire someone over Zoom, in your pajamas. But if you know you need to hire or need help and you can’t vet and hire that help in light of current circumstances, you can get lots done with an expert freelancer on LAWCLERK all without violating the shelter-in-place order currently keeping you locked down.
  1. If you haven’t noticed, things are a bit uncertain. So, life’s gotten a little weird recently. Most economists agree that we are probably in the midst of a recession. While we’re all hoping for a “V-shaped” recession with a quick, steep recovery, it’s far from clear if, how, or when that may ultimately occur. Is now the right time to hire someone? There are definitely lots of reasons to do that and we don’t want to discourage you from doing so, particularly in the long run. But in the short to medium run, while no one can even meet in person for recruiting, vetting and/or hiring, and the ultimate direction of the economy remains tremendously uncertain, leveraging an extensive network of freelance lawyers with broad practice area experience might be your best bet.

Hope abounds for a swift and relatively pain free recovery both for our society from the coronavirus pandemic and for our economy from the ensuing economic crisis in which we find ourselves. In the meantime – and definitely beyond – revel in the fact that the LAWCLERK marketplace offers an unparalleled breadth and depth of legal expertise through its robust freelance attorney marketplace.

Dan Lear

Dan Lear


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