In addition to being one of the Co-Founders of LAWCLERK, I have also been a practicing trusts and estates attorney since 2006.  I am a firm believer that one of the best gifts you can give your loved ones is the gift of a comprehensive estate plan.  So many of the problems I’ve seen families go through in probate and/or guardianship court could have been avoided or reduced with a proper estate.  Let’s explore all the amazing ways busy attorneys can leverage LAWCLERK’s nationwide network of freelance lawyers to help their clients in the area of trusts and estates.

We’ve seen busy estate attorneys use LAWCLERK for help with research, drafting documents, pleadings, law firm blog posts, managing discovery and everything in between.  LAWCLERK offers a flexible staffing solution without the overhead and headaches of a full-time hire.

Here are a few examples of recent LAWCLERK projects in the area of trusts and estates along with the flat fee that was paid:

Prepare deed $150

Marketing blog post $150

Draft powers of attorney and will  $200

Research on ancillary probate $200

Memo re: Client’s Interest in irrevocable trust  $240

Testamentary trust analysis memo $250

Research memo on probate issue of tenants in common $300

Prepare estate accounting report $300

Memo re Trustee capacity and reinstatement  $300

Journal article on guardian ad litem $350

California case law and probate code research $400

Estate plan document review and summary  $400

Draft client memo re: trust taxation $400

Motion to revoke trust amendment $450

Propounding discovery in estate proceeding $450

Draft Maryland probate filings  $500

Memo re Florida probate or ancillary probate minimum requirements $500

Revise interim probate accounting $500

Research on injunction to prevent foreclosure $800

Research and memo re: liability for federal taxes of decedent $1,000

Supreme Court writ in probate matter $1,200

Create Nevis asset protection trust $3,000

There are endless ways you can work with our network of freelance lawyers to improve your productivity and your profits.  Not sure how to get started or set the flat fee price for your first project?  No worries – we are here to help!  Please reach out to your Dedicated LAWCLERK Advisor or the LAWCLERK Care Team by email or via phone (888) 479-5728.

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk


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