Next up in our series of “How to Use LAWCLERK” we’ll focus on bankruptcy law.  Did you know that two of the founders of LAWCLERK are commercial bankruptcy attorneys? Fact!

We’ve seen bankruptcy attorneys all over the U.S. work with our network of talented freelance lawyers (“Lawclerks”) for a variety of work related to bankruptcy.

As a recap, LAWCLERK offers a flexible staffing solution without the overhead and headaches of a full-time hire.  Attorneys can hire our Lawclerks on-demand for project work at the flat fee price they set.  We have no sign-up or monthly fees.  You only pay the flat-fee price you set for each project you post. Want to know more?  Check out this video.

Our Lawclerks come from a wide range of experience.  Some are former judicial clerks with extensive appellate experience, some are former big law attorneys taking time off to care for family, some are even retired attorneys with decades of experience.  One of our top-rated bankruptcy freelance lawyers is a semi-retired attorney with decades of experience.  He is a Harvard law grad who has even argued – and won – a case before the United States Supreme Court.  It is quite remarkable that you can tap into that level of talent through the LAWCLERK marketplace!

Here are a few examples of recent bankruptcy specific LAWCLERK projects and the flat fee that was paid:

Recent LAWCLERK Projects                                                     Flat Fee Price

Motion to Lift Stay                                                                               $300 to $750

Brief in support of Debtor’s Motion – Chapter 11                        $300

Prepare Secured Creditor Claim                                                     $500

Memo on Absolute Priority Rule in Chapter 7 Case                   $500

Motion to Dismiss Chapter 13                                                           $500

Research Memo on Eligibility to File Chapter 7                          $600

Research Case Law for Bad Faith Motion to Dismiss                $600

Objection to Chapter 13 Plan                                                           $750

Insider Fraudulent Transfer Analysis                                             $1,250

Memo re: Claims Surviving Bankruptcy                                       $1,750

Memo re: Disallowance of Default Interest                                 $2,000

Response Appellate Brief                                                                 $4,000

Not sure how to get started or set the flat fee price for your first project?  No worries – we are here to help!  Please reach out to your Dedicated LAWCLERK Advisor or the LAWCLERK Care Team by email or by phone (888) 479-5728.

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk

Kristin Tyler, Co-Founder Lawclerk


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